The “Art & Garden Blog” Begins

April 13, 2017 • Growing a Life as Artist and Gardener

Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to be here reading this first blog post. I have been looking forward to getting started on this for awhile but didn’t want to begin blogging until my website was up and running. I’m so excited to be able to say that it can now be found at A huge thank you to my web designer friend, Maren, who got me to this point. I would still be lost without her help. Some things need tweaking, but it’s enough to get started and to set my online art business into motion.

A short introductory explanation: You may be wondering why I decided to call this “Art and Garden Blog.”  Well, after living a full year and a half in my new home I’ve had time to settle in, and to get a feel for the rhythm of things. One of my main goals after moving back to the country, was to grow my own garden. I’m happy to say that I achieved this goal and have plans on continuing my adventures in growing as much as, or more than, I can handle. I wasn’t too surprised to discover that the garden took up pretty much all of my time. I was able to squeeze in the several art fairs that I’d signed up to be in on weekends during the summer, but found no time to actually make any new art.

It wasn’t until November that the garden finally quit and I was able to spend time in my studio, free of outside work demanding my attention. I could finally paint again! So it looks like this is how it’s gonna be: Spring and Summer = Gardening, and Winter and Fall = Art Making. I’m finding that they complement each other quite well, and I’m quite happy with this yearly schedule.

With this blog I hope to post updates on both topics, and share the stories and inspirations behind what I do, and have done. So if you’re interested please come back and join me in my art and garden adventures.
